Make your own Bologna and Franks Hotdogs -Makes 10 Lbs.
Bologna and Franks -10 Lbs.
Smoked Sausage Recipe
7 lbs lean meat
2 lbs. pork butt
1 lb. beef or pork fat
4 tablespoons salt
2 teaspoons curing salt
2 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons onion powder
2 tablespoons garlic powder
3 teaspoons white pepper, ground
2 teaspoons cardamom, ground
2 teaspoons mustard seed powder
2 teaspoons mace
1/2 cup corn syrup solids
1/4 cup powdered dextrose
1/2 cup ice water
1 cup flavor binder 86 or 2 cups non-fat-dry milk
Bologna requires 3 (4 x 16") prepared fibrous casings.
Grind meats and fat together 3 times through fine (1/8-inch) grinder plate.
Combine ground meat mixture with all remaining ingredients; mix/knead well.
Regrind seasoned meat mixture through fine plate (1/8") one additional time.
Stuff seasoned mixture into prepared fibrous casings or hog casings if you are making franks; tie bologna - twist franks into 6" links.
Cure stuffed product overnight in refrigerator.
Next day, place product in smoker - open damper - hold heat source at 130-140 degrees for one hour - close damper - add smoke - increase heat source to 150-155 degrees for 1 hour - remove smoke - increase heat source to 170 degrees - hold until the internal temperature of bologna or franks reach 160 degrees F; at which time product is fully cooked. Shower product 2 to 3 minutes with cold water.
True venison lovers can grind together 8 lbs. of trimmed venison and 2 lbs. of fresh pork fat for the above recipe.